AAAS - American Association for the Advancement of Science
Science Film Showcase
Starting in 2013, AAAS began partnering with Jackson Hole Film Festival to showcase some of its award winning science films during the AAAS Annual Meeting. Thus, "AAAS Science Film Showcase" was born. Then, in 2014, AAAS partnered with Imagine Science Film, bringing free screening of a selection of short clips and films from its festival to the Annual Meeting.
Between clips and films, scientists, filmmakers, and producers, are on hand to discuss the films and answer questions from the audience. A reception following the main event allows for the audience and scientists/producers of the films to mingle.
Manage all participant/partner involvement: Develop stage show and design Invitations, communications, & relations with participants and/or event partners Partners include Jackson Hole Film Festival and Imagine Science Films