MY ROLE:As the Liaison for the Committee, I planned bi-yearly committee meetings, organized Committee-initiated engagement efforts, and synthesized committee outcomes in yearly Board reports. I co-facilitated the bi-yearly meetings with the Chair while also routinely presenting on AAAS public engagement, outreach, and diversity efforts. I prepared new member materials required by the AAAS Board for approval. In addition, I was responsible for all communication, travel, and other scheduling and budgetary tasks associated with the committee.
Within this role, I also managed the operational aspects of the Committee’s AAAS Public Engagement with Science Award. The award recognizes scientists and engineers who make outstanding contributions to the "popularization of science." I managed the Award's selection process which included the following duties: creating and executing all promotional materials/strategies, organizing nomination packets, facilitating the selection process within the committee, corresponding with award winners, designing and maintaining the website, writing the press release announcing the winner, and helping to organize award ceremony logistics at AAAS Annual Meetings. |
MY ROLE:I took over as lead Principal Investigator (PI) for the Science & Society as soon as I arrived at Carnegie Science. Following a successful grant that secured two years of funding, the project expanded and Carnegie hired an outside consultant to meet growing program administration and management requirements. Maintaining PI status, I worked closely with the consultant on the Program’s design, direction, and logistics, and continued to write interim progress reports for submission to the funding agency.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS:As the program’s PI, I executed the initial project vision that was collaboratively proposed by Carnegie’s then President, Matthew Scott; US Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit Court judge, the Honorable David Tatel; and education consultant, Dr. Edith Tatel. I synthesized the Program's significance, goals, anticipated outcomes, dissemination strategy, and budget in a $500,000 grant that was successfully awarded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York in June, 2016.